Metaplasia regeneratio

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Metaplasia - WEBBeteg. a gyulladásos folyamatokat, a genetikai tényezőket, a szervi diszfunkciókat. Laphámsejtes metaplasia a méhnyak átmeneti zónájában. Mennyire veszélyes a metaplasia? A metaplasia a legtöbb esetben átmeneti hám elváltozás, mely a kiváltó hatás megszűnésével visszaépülhet az eredeti formába.. Mit jelent a rákszűrés eredménye? Segítünk értelmezni! - Önmagában a metaplasia nem indokol szorosabb cytologiai kontrollt, elégséges az évenkénti rákszűrésen való részvétel a továbbiakban is. Elszarusodás A metaplasia egyik altípusa, amikor az el nem szarusodó laphám vagy mirigyhám helyét elszarusodó laphám foglalja el. Nem rosszindulatú folyamat.. Kóros cytológiai lelet - Orvos válaszol - WEBBeteg. Kóros cytológiai lelet. Tisztelt Doktor Úr, Cytológiai leletem a következő eredményt hozta: Atypusu sejtek, nem meghat. ASC, nem zárható ki H SIL (ASC-H), a kiegészítő CINtecPLUS vizsgálat is pozitív lett. Reaktív és reparatív jelek: metaplasia, regeneratio.. Citológia lelet - Orvos válaszol - WEBBeteg. Tisztelt Cím! Megkaptam a citológia leletem, amelyben a kenet értékelésénél ugyan azt jelölték, hogy negatív, de vegyes flórás baktériumot találtak benne, gyulladást jelölnek reaktív hámelváltozással, valamit Metaplasia/regeneratió, és parakeratosis szerepel a leleten.. A méhnyakrákszűrés, és a lelet értelmezése » Dr. Gérecz Balázs. Metaplasia: Regeneratív folyamatra utal, jelenléte nem kóros. Gyulladás, vagy fizikai károsodást követő gyógyulás jele. Tennivaló nincs. Hyperkeratosis, parakereatosis: Gyulladás, fizikai károsodás jele. Nem utal daganatmegelőző állapotra. HPV fertőzés minor jele lehet, 30 éves kor felett érdemes HPV tipizálást végezni .. Citológiai eredmények értékelése - Dr. Bata. Metaplasia: nagy fokú gyulladás esetén a sejtek norm ál érési folyamata felborul és közti alakokat lehet látni. Gyulladás ellenes kezelés, irrigálások javasoltak. Reaktív - reparatív hám: gyulladás után gyógyuló hám. Teendő nincs ilyenkor, vagy tejsavas irrigálást (hüvelyöblítést) vagy tejsavas és normális .. Hyperkeratosis, parakeratosis, metaplasia - aggódnom kell?? - Dr. Bata. Metaplasia: az átmeneti zónából készült a kenet, vagyis jó helyről. Lap és hengerhám váltakozik, kiérési zavar van. Sokszor gyulladást találunk a háttérben, ezért kezelést adunk. Hyper- és parakeratosis: nagyfokú gyulladás hatására a méhszájon lévő el nem szarusodó laphám keménnyé válik, átalakul, egy ún. szaruréteget fejleszt.. Cellular Plasticity, Reprogramming, and Regeneration: Metaplasia in the .. Thus, a pyloric metaplasia lesion exhibits parietal cell loss and replacement of basal chief cells by SPEM cells. In addition, pyloric metaplasia can harbor other lineage abnormalities, including foveolar hyperplasia and mucous neck cell census changes . Because SPEM cells at the base of corpus glands are seen only in the setting of parietal .. Role of metaplasia during gastric regeneration - National Center for .. The development of metaplasia is one of the major etiologies associated with the progression from inflammation to cancer. While metaplasia has traditionally been studied in the development of gastric cancer, in recent years studies have emerged demonstrating its active role in gastric regeneration. Nevertheless, this article will review the .. Cellular Plasticity, Reprogramming, and Regeneration: Metaplasia in the .. In the gastrointestinal tract, a metaplastic lesion commonly comprises an array of mucus-secreting cells that arise to provide protection and healing following severe damage. 7. In the stomach, two principal types of metaplasia are prominent.. Transdifferentiation, Metaplasia and Tissue Regeneration. Transdifferentiation and Metaplasia During Tissue Regeneration. Metaplasia is important in the context of regeneration for two reasons. The first is because cells may arise during regeneration by metaplasia or transdifferentiation.. cervicalisatio,metaplasia,sok regeneratio | Orvos válaszol cervicalisatio,metaplasia,sok regeneratio szeretném tudni ez az eredmény mit jelent köszönettel Kedves Kérdező! Feltételezhetően a rákszűrés eredményében találkozott a kifejezésekkel. Nem jelent egyik sem rosszindulatúságot, egy korábbi gyulladás, kisebb hámsérülés gyógyulási folyamatának jelei. Teendőt nem igényel. Tisztelettel:. Mi a metaplasia? - Orvos válaszol - WEBBeteg. A kontroll leleten pedig látható volt a folyamatban lévő regeneráció. Ilyenkor is vannak még rendellenes sejetek a kenetben, ezért kell ismételt kontroll, hogy lássák majd, a teljes gyógyulást követően eltűnnek-e, és a lelet megfelelő lesz-e? A metaplasia is egy ilyen rendellenes sejt, de nem jelent kóros folyamatot.. Cellular Plasticity, Reprogramming, and Regeneration: Metaplasia in the .. Results: We report that in contrast to gastric intestinal metaplasia, which has traits of both incomplete and complete intestinal metaplasia, Barretts esophagus (i.e., esophageal intestinal .. Role of metaplasia during gastric regeneration - PubMed. Spasmolytic polypeptide/trefoil factor 2 (TFF2)-expressing metaplasia (SPEM) is a mucous-secreting reparative lineage that emerges at the ulcer margin in response to gastric injury. Under conditions of chronic inflammation with parietal cell loss, SPEM has been found to emerge and evolve into neopla …. Cellular Plasticity, Reprogramming, and Regeneration: Metaplasia in the .. In this pyloric metaplasia, corpus glands become antrum (pylorus)-like with loss of acid-secreting parietal cells (atrophic gastritis), expansion of foveolar cells, and reprogramming of digestive enzyme-secreting chief cells into deep antral gland-like mucous cells.. Cellular Plasticity, Reprogramming, and Regeneration: Metaplasia in the .. Thus, a pyloric metaplasia lesion exhibits parietal cell loss and replacement of basal chief cells by SPEM cells. In addition, pyloric metaplasia can harbor other lineage abnormalities, including foveolar hyperplasia and mucous neck cell census changes (Figure 1). Because SPEM cells at the base of corpus glands are seen only in the setting of .. Dr. Petróczi István - Szülész-nőgyógyász | Csalá A rákszűrésem eredményével kapcsolatban kérdeznék: a lelet értékelése: kóros hámelváltozás, atypusos sejtek nem meghat. ASC, és metaplasia, regeneratió , illetve atypusos reparatív.. Szűrővizsgálat - Dr. Rencsi

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. A metaplasia oka nem ismert (valószínűleg hormonális), de nem tekintendő betegségnek, termékeny korú nőknél nagyon gyakori. Olykor hátrányos következménye lehet a kellemetlen, krónikus folyás, a fokozott fogékonyság gyulladásra, mivel a hengerhám az eredeti laphámmal ellentétben érzékenyebb a hüvelyi hatásokra .. Citológiai eredmény - Orvos válaszol - WEBBeteg. A Metaplasia és Regeneratió a sejtek élettani változásaival összefüggő állapotot tükröznek. Aggodalomra ok nincs és kérdés tisztázása remélem már meg is történt. Üdvözlettel. Cikkek a témában Fájdalmas, görcsös menstruáció - Dysmenorrhoea Gátmetszés vagy gátvédelem? - Érvek és ellenérvek Az endometriózis diagnosztizálása. Metaplasia: What Is It, Types, Causes, and More | Osmosis. Oftentimes, metaplasia is caused by stressors (e.g., cigarette smoke, stomach acid, excessive hormones) that initiate the transformation into a new type of cell that is better adapted to handle the increased stress. More specifically, intestinal metaplasia can be caused by H. pylori infection, high salt intake, alcohol consumption, and chronic .. Nőgyógyászati rákszűrés: mi mit jelent | A metaplasia illetve a regeneratio arra utalhat, hogy kisebb hüvelygyulladás volt, de kezelés nélkül rendeződött. Semmilyen jelentősége nincs. A hosszú ideig tartó fogamzásgátló szedésnél májfunkciókat illetve véralvadási tényezőket szoktunk nézni. Ezeket a kérdéseket a nőgyógyászával tudja megbeszélni. Tisztelettel: Dr.H.G. Impact of Helicobacter pylori colonization density and depth on .. Background and objectives. Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection is the most common etiology of chronic gastric.H. pylori gastritis would gradually evolve into gastric atrophy, intestinal metaplasia, dysplasia and malignant lesions. Herein, this study aimed to investigate the potential impact of H. pylori colonization density and depth on the severity of histological parameters of gastritis.. Transdifferentiation, Metaplasia and Tissue Regeneration - PMC. Transdifferentiation and Metaplasia During Tissue Regeneration. Metaplasia is important in the context of regeneration for two reasons. The first is because cells may arise during regeneration by metaplasia or transdifferentiation.. Mit jelent a metaplasia? - Orvos válaszol - WEBBeteg. Mit jelent a metaplasia? 19 éves lány vagyok, a problémám az volna, hogy novemberi cytologia eredményemen ez olvasható: reaktív sejtelváltozással járó gyulladás (reparatio) ;egyéb: metaplasia. A nőgyógyászom javaslatára most februárban megismételtük a vizsgálatot, a gyulladás már nincs jelölve, de az egyéb .. Liver, Hepatocyte - Hypertrophy - Nonneoplastic Lesion Atlas

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. Liver, Hepatocyte - Hypertrophy. Hepatocyte hypertrophy is a form of cytologic alteration that is diagnosed based on an observable increased size of hepatocytes compared with concurrent control liver. It is most readily apparent when it has the commonly occurring centrilobular distribution pattern; when it is panlobular, comparison with .. The role of TGF-beta3 in cartilage development and osteoarthritis - Nature. Articular cartilage serves as a low-friction, load-bearing tissue without the support with blood vessels, lymphatics and nerves, making its repair a big challenge. Transforming growth factor-beta .. Nose, Epithelium - Regeneration - Nonneoplastic Lesion Atlas. Regeneration (Figure 1) is the re-epithelialization of nasal structures following loss of the epithelium. The new epithelial layer is usually a thin layer of flattened, elongated cells that replaces the lost epithelium. such as inflammation, atrophy, or metaplasia, should be diagnosed separately. If the regenerating epithelium exhibits .. YAP targetome reveals activation of SPEM in gastric pre-neoplastic .. YAP activation in gastric cells induces hyperplasia and metaplasia. Clu was identified as a marker of a quiescent stem cell population in the intestine that is activated by damage in a YAP-dependent manner, 28 but its expression pattern in the stomach is unclear. To study Clu expression in the stomach, we re-analyzed a recently published single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) dataset from .. Pathology Outlines - Ductular reaction. Represents progenitor cell based parenchymal regeneration after liver injury Clerbaux et al. / Jain R et al. classification (Adv Anat Pathol 2021;28:72) DR type 1 / noninvasive Proliferating ductular profiles are limited to the portal mesenchyme; there is no ductular metaplasia or hepatic progenitor cell proliferation. Regeneration | Definition, Process, Examples, & Facts. It is not invariably necessary for the regenerating tissue to be derived from a remnant of the original tissue. Through a process called metaplasia, one tissue can be converted to another.In the case of lens regeneration in certain amphibians, in response to the loss of the original lens from the eye, a new lens develops from the tissues at the edge of the iris on the upper margin of the pupil.. Spatiotemporal reprogramming of differentiated cells underlies . - Nature. Although such metaplasia is generally thought to arise as a result of repetitive tissue injury and the subsequent regeneration process, the physiology of this phenomenon, especially in relation to .. Regulation of cardiomyocyte fate plasticity: a key strategy . - Nature. A large number of studies have shown that nerve signal plays critical roles in regulating cardiac regeneration. 97 It has been shown that the nerves at the bottom of the limbs of amphibians cannot .

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. Bile Acids Signal via TGR5 to Activate Intestinal Stem Cells . - PubMed. BAs and Tgr5 expression in ISCs were required for homeostatic intestinal epithelial renewal and fate specification, and for regeneration after colitis induction

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. Tgr5 ISC-/- mice developed more severe colitis than mice without Tgr5 disruption in ISCs. ISCs incubated with INT-777 increased activation of yes-associated protein 1 (YAP1) and of its .. Bipotential adult liver progenitors are derived from chronically .. PMID: 25312494. PMCID: PMC4254170. DOI: 10.1016/j.stem.2014.09.008. Adult liver progenitor cells are biliary-like epithelial cells that emerge only under injury conditions in the periportal region of the liver. They exhibit phenotypes of both hepatocytes and bile ducts. However, their origin and their significance to injury repair remain unclear.. Abstract for TR-593 - National Toxicology Program. The incidences of atypical hyperplasia, atypical squamous metaplasia, and regeneration of the bronchus epithelium were significantly increased in the 100 ppm groups. Two-year study in rats. Groups of 50 male and 50 female rats were exposed to 2,3-butanedione vapor by whole body inhalation at concentrations of 0, .. Metaplasia | Cellular, Reversible, Pathological | Britannica. metaplasia, in zoology, the conversion of one type of living cell or group of cells into another as a means of regeneration.For example, the damaged or removed lens of a salamander eye is replaced through the transformation of nearby pigmented iris cells into lens cells. The regeneration of brain tissue from epidermis in annelid worms is another well-documented example of metaplasia.. Role of metaplasia during gastric regeneration. The following review proposes new insights into the func-tional role of metaplasia in the process of gastric regeneration. Fig. 1. Representative histology of the injured site within the mouse stomach. Hematoxylin and eosin stain showing metaplastic glands at the ulcer margin and areas of granulation tissue and the ulcer site.. Kidney, Renal Tubule - Regeneration - Nonneoplastic Lesion Atlas. Comment: Renal tubule regeneration occurs as a reparative response to previous degeneration and/or necrosis of renal tubular epithelium. It is one of the most common test-article-related lesions observed in the kidney. Regeneration is characterized by a spectrum of histologic changes, including cytoplasmic basophilia, karyomegaly, and nuclear .. Cytológia eredmény - Orvos válaszol - WEBBeteg. Metaplázia (pikkelysejtes méhnyak metaplázia, Squamous metaplasia of the cervix, Squamous cervical metaplasia) - a sejtek, szövetek átalakulását, pótlását jelenti. (savas környezet) A metaplázia magában nem rákos állapot. Ez az állapot a szervezet válasza. Regeneratio: helyreállítást jelent. A jelenséget leggyakrabban a .. Establishment of intestinal organoid cultures modeling injury .

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. In the gut, for example, regeneration of damaged intestinal epithelium differs significantly in cellular composition and stem cell function from normal intestinal epithelial homeostasis. 15,21,22 .. Skeletal muscle - Necrosis - Nonneoplastic Lesion Atlas. Skeletal muscle - Necrosis in a male F344/N rat from a chronic study. This cross section of skeletal muscle exhibits an extensive, highly fragmented and vacuolated collection of muscle fibers; some are hypereosinophilic, and others are pale. Enlarge Image. Numerous types of injury, including trauma, ischemia, infectious agents, and myotoxins .. Cellular Pathology Notes: Diagrams & Illustrations | Osmosis. This Osmosis High-Yield Note provides an overview of Cellular Pathology essentials. All Osmosis Notes are clearly laid-out and contain striking images, tables, and diagrams to help visual learners understand complex topics quickly and efficiently. Find more information about Cellular Pathology: Osmosis Cellular Pathology high-yield notes offers .

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. Nose, Olfactory Epithelium - Metaplasia, Respiratory. Respiratory metaplasia is defined as the replacement of olfactory epithelium with a ciliated, respiratory epithelium ( Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, and Figure 4 ). The presence of respiratory metaplasia implies that loss of olfactory epithelium has occurred through necrosis or atrophy. Treatment-related atrophy of olfactory nerves beneath the .. Sonic Hedgehog acts as a macrophage chemoattractant during regeneration .. Sonic Hedgehog (Shh), secreted from gastric parietal cells, contributes to the regeneration of the epithelium. The recruitment of macrophages plays a central role in the regenerative process. The .. Urinary bladder - Metaplasia - Nonneoplastic Lesion Atlas. Metaplasia of the urothelium reflects the potential of the urothelium to undergo a metaplastic change under a variety of conditions. Squamous metaplasia, with or without keratinization, is the most common variant observed ( Figure 1 Figure 2 and , Figure 3 ). Mucinous, glandular, or mixtures of metaplastic lesions are less commonly observed .. Hyperplasia, Metaplasia, Dysplasia + Neoplasia Flashcards | Quizlet. 1- Develop new mutations. 2- Move + grow through BMZ. 3- Grow through extracellular matrix. 4- Adhere to outside blood vessels. 5- Adhere to lymphatic vessels. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Adapting to physical demands, Adapting to environmental stress, Hyperplasia and more.. How cells change their phenotype | Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology. Main. METAPLASIA — the conversion of one cell or tissue type into another — is an important phenomenon for three reasons 1. First, understanding the molecular basis of tissue-type switching is .. Cellular Adaptation Flashcards | Quizlet. What are the 2 outcomes of irreversible injury? 1. hyperplasia. 2. hypertrophy. 3. atrophy

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. 4. metaplasia. What are the 4 major types of cellular adaptation? It can be used as a compensatory mechanism to regenerate damaged tissue (e.g., compensatory liver regeneration). Why did hyperplasia develop? Hyperplasia.. Transdifferentiation | Cell Reprogramming, Differentiation & Regeneration. Transdifferentiation is a subset of a more general set of cell-type interconversion called metaplasia, in which the starting cell type can be either differentiated or undifferentiated. In the latter instance, a stem cell or progenitor cell for a particular tissue type becomes transformed into a progenitor cell for a different tissue type.. Adaptation of cellular growth & differentiation | PPT - SlideShare. Tissue repair, regeneration and wound healing (1) by . METAPLASIA: META-Transformation PLASIA-Growth It is a reversible change of one type of epithelial or mesenchymal cells, usually in response to persistant abnormal stimulus which in turn may change into a malignant cell.. Regeneration- Types of Regeneration, Regeneration in Hydra - BYJUS. Morphallaxis. This type of regeneration has little growth and depends upon tissues repatterning. For eg., Hydra grows by loss of cells from its end and by budding. When cut into two, the upper part develops into foot while the lower part develops into the head. The formation of nearby heads is inhibited by the head region.. Nose, Epithelium - Metaplasia, Squamous - Nonneoplastic Lesion Atlas. Squamous metaplasia (Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4, and Figure 5) is defined as the replacement of transitional, respiratory, or olfactory epithelium by squamous epithelium.It is rarely seen in control animals but is relatively common in inhalation studies of irritants. Early changes include disorganization of the epithelial cells, with the superficial cells becoming oriented .. Liver, Oval Cell - Hyperplasia - Nonneoplastic Lesion Atlas. Oval cell hyperplasia (Figure 1) is rarely seen in control animals. It typically begins either in periportal areas or in subcapsular regions of the liver. The proliferating oval cells are spindloid and initially extend out from portal areas in a linear array; they may encircle hepatic lobules, and in severe cases they may form irregular solid nests of proliferating cells.. R-spondin/YAP axis promotes gastric oxyntic gland regeneration and .. This response enabled a rapid recovery of the injured secretory gland cells. However, in the context of chronic H. pylori infection, the R-spondin-driven regeneration was maintained long term, promoting severe glandular hyperproliferation and the development of premalignant metaplasia.. Mechanisms and Morphology of Cellular Injury, Adaptation, and Death

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. Metaplasia (see Fig. 1-25, B) is a change from one differentiated (mature) cell type to another differentiated cell type of the same germline. Typically, squamous metaplasia is a reparative response to chronic inflammation (e.g., in mammary ducts in chronic mastitis), hormonal imbalance (e.g., estrogen-induced squamous metaplasia in the .. Lgr5-expressing chief cells drive epithelial regeneration and . - Nature. Leushacke et al. provide insights into the role of Lgr5 cells in the oxyntic stomach, demonstrating that they label a subpopulation of chief cells that function as reserve stem cells during .

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. Conversion of one cell type into another: implications for .. Metaplasia is the irreversible conversion of one differentiated cell or tissue type into another. Metaplasia usually occurs in tissues that undergo regeneration, and may, in a pathological context, predispose to an increased risk of disease. Studying the conditions leading to the development of meta …. Skin - Hyperplasia - Nonneoplastic Lesion Atlas. Epithelial hyperplasia is the most common spontaneous, non-neoplastic lesion of the skin observed in B6C3F1 mice in NTP studies. Hyperplasia of the epithelium of the epidermis and adnexa is also a common response to dermal application of chemicals. In more severe cases, especially when accompanied by inflammation, hyperplasia of follicular epithelium, follicular units, and sebaceous glands .. Adaptations: Hypertrophy, hyperplasia, atrophy, metaplasia - Quizlet. Adaptations. -The cell responds to injuries that fail to destroy it with either increased or decreased function. -by changes in metabolism of structural or functional substances, may also include proliferation (hyperplasia). Adaptive response with increased function. -HYPERTROPHY: functional internal cellular structures increase, causing volume .. Pharmacological inhibition and reversal of pancreatic acinar ductal .. Pancreatic acinar cells display a remarkable degree of plasticity and can dedifferentiate into ductal-like progenitor cells by a process known as acinar ductal metaplasia (ADM)

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. ADM is believed to .. Callus, Dedifferentiation, Totipotency, Somatic Embryogenesis: What .. Dedifferentiation and Callus Formation. The term "dedifferentiation" has many definitions: "process by which mature or specialized cells lose their differentiated character and rejuvenate" (Bloch, 1941); "a process in which tissues that have undergone cell differentiation can be made to reverse the process so as to become a primordial cell again" (Hale et al., 2005); "involves a .. Thyroid gland - Ectopic Tissue - Nonneoplastic Lesion Atlas. Cache River Press, Vienna, IL, 537-554. Thyroid Gland - Ectopic tissue, Thymus in a female F344/N rat from a subchronic study. Well-formed thymic tissue is present adjacent to the thyroid gland. Ectopic thymic tissue is a congenital change with the extrathymic tissue located either adjacent to (Figure 1) or within (Figure 2) the thyroid gland.. Lung - Metaplasia, Squamous - Nonneoplastic Lesion Atlas. Squamous metaplasia can be seen as a response to chronic irritation or injury and is thought to be an adaptive change, as the squamous epithelium is more resistant to injury than is respiratory or alveolar epithelium. Consequently, squamous metaplasia is often accompanied by inflammation, fibrosis, necrosis, ulceration, and areas of epithelial .. Regenerative proliferation of differentiated cells by mTORC1 . - PubMed. In kidney and liver regeneration and in human gastric metaplasia, mTORC1 also correlated with proliferation. In lysosome-defective Gnptab-/-mice, both metaplasia-associated gene expression changes and mTORC1-mediated proliferation were deficient in pancreas and stomach. Our findings indicate differentiated cells become proliferative using a .. Skeletal muscle - Atrophy - Nonneoplastic Lesion Atlas. Skeletal muscle atrophy can occur due to degenerative processes originating within the skeletal muscle fibers, secondary to denervation (denervation atrophy), or spontaneously in aging rodents. It is a common reaction to any injury that results in the degradation and/or loss of myofiber organelles. Examples include disuse, cachexia, nutritional or metabolic derangements, vascular insufficiency .. Dedifferentiation, transdifferentiation and reprogramming: three routes .. Dedifferentiation, transdifferentiation and reprogramming could all be exploited to replace lost cells and tissues. Studies are aiming to understand the molecular details of these processes and to .. Gallbladder, Epithelium - Hyperplasia - Nonneoplastic Lesion Atlas. Mucosal or epithelial hyperplasia of the gallbladder is uncommon in NTP studies and should be recorded whenever present and given a severity grade. Severe associated lesions such as inflammation or hyaline droplet accumulation should be diagnosed separately. The pathology narrative should define any unusual features of the case (s) being diagnosed..